Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Archiva revisited

Why revisit ?
Last time around I set up Archiva as a stand alone service, on port 8081. This proved easy enough, and I had my first couple of builds, so I started to think about a continuous integration service.
I've set up Cruise Control in a previous job, and had been happy with it. Having looked around, this time round I'm going to use Hudson, and see if it's as easy to use as the documentation claims.

Web server needed
Having looked at Hudson, it can run stand alone, or be deployed to a server. For ease of admin, I decided to put both Archiva and Hudson on the same Tomcat server, and run it as a service. I've been using Tomcat 5.0.x for years, none of the companies I've worked for have felt the need to move past it, so I may as well jump in and see what Tomcat 7 is like.
First impressions : bit disappointing really. The familiarity is good, but there isn't much new for the user there. Compared to the information available through Glassfish or Websphere consoles, it's poor. There are workarounds, I'll see if lambda probe works with T7.

Tomcat 7 problems
Downloading and installing Tomcat 7 as a service was no problem, and I got Archiva installed as a web app - easy enough when following the site documentation

One thing to remember when running Archiva on Tomcat as a service : set the parameters in the Tomcat 7 properties dialog box:
-Dappserver.base=D:\Tomcat 7.0
-Dappserver.home=D:\Tomcat 7.0

When I came back a couple of days later, I found the client couldn't connect to the server, the dreaded "Server is taking too long to respond" message came back.
I dread these kid of sys admin problems, no matter how trivial. Anyway, I could ping the Tomcat box, on the right port, but could not get a browser request to work. I uninstalled Tomcat 7. As a comparison I downloaded Tomcat 6, and ran it on a different port : this time no problems. But then to double check, I re installed Tomcat 7, but this time, no issues connecting to the manager app from the client machine.
So at the end of a night's work, I'm not really any further forward than I was. I now have Archiva running on a Tomcat 7 service. I need to update my Maven settings to point to the new port, and run a Maven build.

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