Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Why am I doing this ?

New Year, New Project
I've started a new software project at home. It'll be a new web app, a fairly standard view onto a database. The main goal of the project is to give me a chance to play with some frameworks that I haven't had a chance to work with yet, give some focus to my reading, explore the bits of IT that I have no experience of ( blogging, hosting and domain names came up straight away !) and if at the end of it, there's an opportunity to make some money out of it, bonus. This blog is to support this project.

What's the aim of the blog ?
In almost every project I've been involved in, normally  a couple of years afterwards, there's been a period of reflection and asking "Why did I choose to do it that way ?"  The main aim of the blog is to capture those decisions and the rationale behind them. By making it public, there might be a chance to get some external review of the decisions - one of the main problems of a one man project, which does limit the learning experience.

It's also going to be a place to put links to articles that have contributed to those decisions, problems encountered and the solutions adopted.

And the name comes from ? 
The name comes from the hundreds of decisions that will have to be made along the way, and the choices that are open. First steps are going to be to think about the supporting  infrastructure, then the stack I'm going to use.

Or at least, that's the idea anyway.

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